St. Francis

Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.
St. Francis of Assisi

Monday, January 10, 2011

Easy Biscuit Recipe--Only Three Ingredients

For fluffy biscuits every time, you must try this recpe. You only need three ingredients: Bisquick, sour cream and club soda.

That's it. They taste like they came from a much more complicated recipe. My first try was biscuit topped chicken pie. It was delicious. The next Sunday we had biscuits and gravy and my husband said "best ever" so I knew we had a winner. Top with butter, honey, or jelly for breakfast or split and fill with bacon, egg, and cheese. Try them in chicken and dumplings. Just roll into small balls and drop into stew. Awesome!

  • Collect your box of Bisquick, carton of sour cream and bottle of club soda. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.
  • In a large bowl mix 2 cups of Bisquick and 1/4 cup sour cream. Start mixing and add enough club soda about 2/3 cup, to make a stiff, slightly sticky dough.

  • Scrape out onto wax paper sprinkled with Bisquick. Knead a few times until smooth. Add a little more Bisquick if too sticky.
  • Scrape dough onto waxed paper sprinkled with Bisquick and knead a few times until dough holds together.
  • Pat into round about 1/2" thick.
  • Cut dough with biscuit cutter or upturned glass dipped in Bisquick and place on cookie sheet.
  • You should have around 12. Recipe doubles nicely.
  • Bake for 20 minutes or until tops are golden brown. 

  • Remove from oven and brush tops with melted butter if desired.
  • DELICIOUS! These biscuits are a little on the dry side to hold toppings and gravy well. For a moister biscuit, add a little more sour cream and a splash more club soda. If it's too sticky, add more Bisquick. It is quite correctable. This recipe has never failed me! Try it!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy New Year

Dear Son:

We have become another year older together--you, happy about it because you got your license; me, not so much. But, I guess I'd rather be 53 and alive than 40 and dead. My hopes and dreams for you in the coming years are not all that different from any parent, I guess, except you are my only child, so I don't get to dream as much as most other parents. The past 16 3/4 years have flown by. You will be in college soon. I pray you keep your eye on this goal for the next couple years. Be kind and respectful to teachers. They have such a difficult job these days. When you meet one in a store in 15 years, you want them to remember you with fond memories.  Study for a career you will enjoy that will help support a family and don't let anything stop you. Remember,though, lots of CEOs started in the mailroom.

Get  exercise, fresh air and sunshine every day. You have to for a healthy life.  Life expectancy is over 70 now! You need some sunshine every day so your body will use vitamin D correctly. Your body is currently combating all kinds of chemicals on a daily basis that you can deal with now! Eat stuff that comes out of the ground, not a box.

 Friends are great but their choices and behavior may not be. Always follow your spirit and your heart. You know what is right and wrong. Your friends probably will not be at your side if you get lung cancer and are hooked up to machines coughing your life away, but your family will. Live now for them.

Save a portion of every paycheck you get. Through the magic of compound interest, if you invest only $268 a month starting at age 25, you will have saved ONE MILLION DOLLARS by age 65. It will be painless. If you wait until 55, you will need to save over $5000 a month which will be quite painful!

Feed your mind and your spirit starting now. Ingest the New Testament. So many great lessons and advice. When you deal with disappointments in later life, you will already have a sturdy foundation and not so far to fall.

No mention of computer games, videos, TV, etc. ?? Nope, TV only advertises stuff you think you need. You have enough stuff. If you have money burning a hole in your pocket, donate it. A very good habit to get into.  Start now.

Games are just empty calories. You don't need them to grow. If you must partake, remember--MODERATION. Don't get addicted, it will NOT lead to a happy marriage.

There is so much more I wish for you. The next several years will be rough but you will get through them. Bad feelings do not last forever and there are so many good feelings for you to look forward to. I will always be here for you.

Love, Mom

Friday, December 31, 2010

Unemployment Assistance Begins at Home

While some unemployed are enjoying their vacation from work, the majority are bored, embarrassed, withdrawn, worried and quite frustrated with their nonworking status. If members of your family or friends are unemployed, there are things you can do to keep them motivated and convinced it is not the end of the world. Remember, their pride is hurting. Do not insult or belittle, even to a spouse or child of the unemployed.
  • Be a friend. Ask them out to lunch or your place for dinner or a free event (so they don't feel guilty not paying).
  • Money is short. Ask if they need a ride somewhere or need something from the store when you go.
  • Mail a thinking-of-you card with $20 for gas or food if you are able.
  • Offer to keep your ears open for job opportunities.
  • Take them a Sunday paper.
  • ASK them if there is anything they need.
  • Don't forget the children and pets. It is hard on them, too, and they need to know the bad times, household tension, and hard feelings are not their fault. Do something to make them feel extra special.
Maybe you are the one unemployed. Make good use of your free time when you are not looking for a job. Keep active. Help your spouse. Spend quality time with your children and pets. Volunteer at a senior citizens' center at lunch time or the animal shelter.
  • Learn something new such as baking, recycling, soapmaking, basketweaving, container gardening, herb gardening, drawing, jewelry making. Tutor at a local grade school. 
  • Learn to cook from scratch. Avoid processed foods.
  • Research resume construction and cover letter writing.
  • Sell unwanted items, books, jewelry, etc., on venues such as No fees to list, only if you sell.
  • Go for long walks. Our bodies are not made to sit in front of  a screen all day.
  • Place ads on Craigslist for jobs, to sell items, clean houses, run errands, pet sit, do laundry, or honey do's. There are a lot of single women out there who need help with household tasks and repairs (and men).
  • Shop at thrift stores where you can find name brand items and clothes, some even new with tags.
These are difficult times for a lot of people. 10% unemployment is a huge problem. Pride gets in the way of our decisions a lot of the times. The unemployed need to know they are still an important part of our lives and we love them. Tomorrow, it could be us.